FORE!! Tumaini's BEDROCK Bogey!
Children, Fun(d) Raising, Thank youSAVE THE DATE FOR OUR 8TH ANNUAL TOURNAMENT OF HOPE - SEPT. 20th, 2020!!
& we are offering a prize for next year's theme!

A Message from Mama about Students helping Students!
Children, Fun(d) Raising
A message from Mama: One of the most beautiful (and unexpected) collateral benefits of presenting in schools, churches, personal residences, etc. in developed parts of the world is how people empathize immediately with the struggles of…

Tea with Tumaini . . .
Abuse, Children, Event, Fun(d) Raising, News
Panorama, St. Patty's School, Successes, Sickness & September!
I’m home, after three months with our children and have much to share! To begin, ENORMOUS thanks to everyone who supported us throughout the month of December at…

A Great Big Tumaini Thank you!
Children, Fun(d) Raising, Thank youhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjGtXQ_h6Pk
Most recently, we have need to say thank you to our donors, shoppers, and especially Mama Becky Pow, for our incredibly successful Tumaini Facebook Auction of Hope which has raised in excess of…

At Tumaini, how do we do what we do?
Children, Fun(d) Raising, News, Thank you, UncategorizedPeople often ask how we manage Tumaini . . . how, after nine years, we are still able (just) to provide care, support, and love to a continuously growing number of children (currently 94), a handful of seniors and several adults in need? The…

Off To Prison!!
Abuse, Children, Fun(d) Raising, UncategorizedMagereza ya Willaya ya Mwanga (Mwanga District Prison)
A funny thing happened on the way to jail today . . . not really but here is the story. My apologies for not providing photos but we’ve haven’t been authorized to take any yet.

Thanksgiving 2015
Event, Fun(d) RaisingThere are so many things we are thankful for at Tumaini this past year.
First of all, that our children have remained safe and healthy and all are advancing in their development. Our support staff too is doing well for the most part and…

Things Tumaini . . .
Children, Event, Fun(d) RaisingSometimes we need to take a moment to pause and reflect on why we do the things we do . . . we need to “remember the reason”. I am full of doing just that these days. Why did I travel to Tanzania six years ago and begin, with who would…

Hope for Children without Mothers Fashion Show!
Event, Fun(d) RaisingThank you to organizers Dianne Deloose and Cynthia Smith for coordinating our 3rd annual fashion show for Tumaini . . . a fashionably successful fundraiser benefiting the education of our children!!

Things Tumaini . . .
Children, Fun(d) Raising, NewsEBOLA - There are, to date, no reported cases of Ebola outbreak in Tanzania and we ask for your prayers to ensure the continued, healthy protection of our Tumaini family. I will return to Tanania in a couple of weeks FOR a couple of weeks…