
FORE!! Tumaini's BEDROCK Bogey!
Children, Fun(d) Raising, Thank youSAVE THE DATE FOR OUR 8TH ANNUAL TOURNAMENT OF HOPE - SEPT. 20th, 2020!!
& we are offering a prize for next year's theme!

Tea with Tumaini . . .
Abuse, Children, Event, Fun(d) Raising, News
Panorama, St. Patty's School, Successes, Sickness & September!
I’m home, after three months with our children and have much to share! To begin, ENORMOUS thanks to everyone who supported us throughout the month of December at…

Happy New Year!
Children, News, Thank you, Uncategorized
The Christmas season has been a whirlwind of busy-ness here at Tumaini. (You can only imagine). Returning volunteers Mama Sharon (CA) and Dada Erica (AUS) assisted our local social welfare office with their inspections of children's…