Frequently Asked Questions
How long has 100 Heroes of HOPE been in existence?
We are a new organization founded in 2018 by Executive Director and Tumaini founder Cherie Tiffin Szucs. Struggling to find large scale fundraising opportunities for her Tumaini children’s and the ongoing needs projects in Tanzania because the aid was not domestic, Cherie, or “Mama Dee” as she is called in Tanzania, decided to enlist sponsorship for this international campaign from interested, compassionate supporters!
The “hope” (Tumaini means “hope” in Swahili) of our group is that word will spread and support will grow so that we may support larger scale projects in Tanzania such as a long term social worker salary sponsorship for our district social services office, teacher salary sponsorship (especially Science and Math), and specific, target based projects such as a new dormitory and toilets, a new dining hall and computer lab for our adopted school, a new village well for our community, or a new pick up truck for our Tumaini family!
How is a project chosen?
At the beginning of a meeting, three potential Tumaini projects will be presented to the attending group. Those present will hear a five minute “pitch” on each potential project and then vote for the project of their choice. A majority vote will win and results on the project will be reported at the next meeting!
Is my donation tax deductible?
Yes, as Tumaini Children’s Foundation is a Canadian Registered Charity with CRA. Cheques are written to TUMAINI CHILDREN’S FOUNDATION and marked 100 Heroes of Hope. Alternatively, a donation may be made online at under Donate NOW. Please identify your donation with 100 Heroes of Hope.
How is the organization that receives the group donation chosen?
A member of Tumaini, at the beginning of the meeting, will provide the group with three potential projects to choose from. The membership will then receive a short 5 minute presentation as to why 100 Heroes of HOPE should receive the donation and then spend 5 minutes for Q & A. After each project has been presented, a vote will be taken choosing a winner.
What if I cannot attend a meeting?
If a member cannot attend a meeting, one of two things may occur:
1. A cheque for $100 (payable to Tumaini Children’s Foundation) may be sent with a trusted friend (preferred). The friend may not vote on behalf of the absent member. We can only count the votes of members who are present at the meeting;
2. The member can check the website/meeting minutes or contact one of the organizers to find out which project was selected. The member can then send in a cheque to one of the organizers where we will send it to the charity on the member’s behalf.
Can I just send the donation to Tumaini myself without identifying it as being a part of 100 Heroes of Hope?
Because the goal of 100 Heroes of HOPE is to make a large donation on behalf of the whole group, we need to ensure that every dollar is identified as a “hero” dollar. We want to be able to support this endeavor and give $10,000+ dollars at a time to make a large impact with each member’s donation being part of the larger donation. This is the power of joining forces! We also need to be able to track your donations so that you get credit for the donation.
How long do the meetings last?
Meetings are intended to be very short and no longer than 60 minutes. That having been said, there is the opportunity to socialize before and after the meeting.
Can I bring a friend to the meeting?
Of course you can! We are always seeking people who care! However, in order to vote she or he will need to sign a Commitment Form and become a member. Otherwise she or he is free to observe and contribute a donation if they like.
Does any of my donation go to administration costs of 100 Heroes of HOPE?
Absolutely not! 100 Heroes of HOPE is organized and operated entirely by volunteers. 100% of the money raised at our meetings goes directly to the project you voted for!