Help us Improve Math & Science for more than 500 Students!
In early 2018 we made the “hopeful” (Tumaini means “hope” in Swahili) decision to adopt Nshupu Secondary School, our local, public secondary school and the school our neighbourhood children attend.
Tumaini spends millions of shillings annually on school fees and education costs and we thought, “What if we could add to that fund and instead of educating only our own Tumaini children (approaching 100) we could help bring quality education to 500 or 600 kids?” Great idea hmm?
Did you know? That in Tanzania, only about 4% of children complete secondary school and of that 4% only about 11% graduate with any real proficiency in math or science? We want to change that and so we’ve committed to sponsoring the salaries of FOUR math/science teachers at Nshupu!
Imagine . . . if we can improve the performance of this school, then our OWN Tumaini children can attend, alongside our neighbour children and EVERY child would have a chance at a better education! It is a part of our vision to be an integral, contributing partner within our community and not an island onto ourselves . . . Please help us sponsor the salaries of these four teachers! Cost of salaries plus teaching aids – $17,441.00 CAD annually!
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Tumaini Children’s Foundation is a not for profit, charitable organization dedicated to the care, support and education of orphaned and needy children in and around Usa River, Arusha, Tanzania.
TUmaini CHIldren’s FOundation, or (TUCHIFO, – acronyms are VERY popular in Tanzania) has acquired its NGO registration (United Republic of Tanzania, Non-Governmental Organization Act, 2002, Section 12(2) of Act. No. 24 of 2002, Certificate No. 3232) and has received charitable registration approval from Revenue Canada.
Please consider sponsoring part or, if possible, all of one of our children’s needs. Asante Sana!!