Our Higher Learning Students Need Your Help!
These three outreach students (Samwel, Omari and Joseph), haven proven themselves again and again. In primary school they stood out for their exceptional performances. In secondary, for the most part they continued to shine with some winning awards for earning the highest marks in the school! They need our help to continue their educations and have their chance . . . please help.
Omary, who came to us initially with the highest performance I have ever seen out of a government school, pursues his university degree in mechanical engineering. He is currently sponsored but we have a shortfall for university costs of $456.29 per term or $912.58 annually. Omary has won awards each year of his secondary school education bringing us top performances in many of his classes. He is one serious student and wishes to become a pilot one day.
Samwel came to us initially with his grandmother and sisters who were starving together for lack of care. Bibi (grandmother) was washing clothes in the river in an attempt to feed her three grandchildren who were being abused in a step family situation after their mother died. Samwel struggled in secondary school with Bells Palsy and although we’ve been somewhat successful with treatment, it has recurred. Despite these struggles he has brought us all A’s and B’s in his first year at university studying business and marketing. He is unsponsored and requires $1100.88 per term or $2201.76 annually. Samwel, upon graduation, will pursue a career in business. Please help us give him a chance.
Joseph is our newest college/university learner and will join (and live with) Omary in Dar es Salaam studying mechanical engineering. He too, excelled at school throughout his secondary studies. He too worked hard, and he too struggled with appendicitis and surgery in his second last year of school. He was off for three months recovering (surgeries are a big thing here in Tanzania), yet he persisted, worked hard and succeed in earning a place to study engineering. He has no sponsor and we need to find $1,222.94 per term or $2,445.88 annually.
If each of us just gives a little we will soon eat this $5,560.22 CAD elephant. Please, help these young men realize their dreams! Ahsante!
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Tumaini Children’s Foundation is a not for profit, charitable organization dedicated to the care, support and education of orphaned and needy children in and around Usa River, Arusha, Tanzania.
TUmaini CHIldren’s FOundation, or (TUCHIFO) is a United Republic of Tanzania, Non-Governmental Organization (Act, 2002, Section 12(2) of Act. No. 24 of 2002) Certificate No. 3232 and is a Canada Revenue approved registered charity.
Please consider sponsoring, in part or in full, the needs of one of our children. Asante Sana!!
Where we educate and empower and create empathy in students here to help poor and needy students in Tanzania!!!.
A message from mama: One of the most beautiful (and unexpected) collateral benefits of presenting in schools, churches, personal residences, etc. in this part of the world is the immediate empathy I see in people who here of the struggles of the desperately poor I work with in Tanzania. This is especially true when I visit schools and share stories of so many children in need.
I will leave for Tanzania in early October so teachers, if you would like me to visit your school and share our Tumaini story, creating awareness of the struggles of some students in other parts of the world, discuss governance and global responsibility (and yes, ask for some help fundraising), please reach out to me at mamadee@tuchifo.org and we’ll schedule a school visit!
I will share our immediate need to build toilets and renovate a classroom dedicated to math at a local government school; how most children will fail (and drop out) of primary school next month after they write their mandatory national exams and how we want to better prepare the incoming first year secondary students so they will have a greater understanding of math and english. We will do this by hosting a free ‘pre-form 1″ program for the three primary schools feeding into our Nshupu Secondary . . .
We will share how we have constructed a hostel for the senior students and how this hostel has improved grades dramatically in a year, BUT, how, because of financial constraints, these students eat the same food, EVERY DAY and how we’d like to change that up a bit.
We will share how we have been approached by many, MANY students whose performance is outstanding, especially considering the school(s) they come from but that without some financial support they won’t be able to advance in their studies.
There are many stories. There are many needs. But the best part is what I see at THIS end of the world. I see empathy, real understanding of the plight of poor children. I see a change in perspectives for many kids here, who, previously fought for the newest cell phone cover, or splayed out in their desks, bored and disinterested in school. I see children adjusting their lenses and sometimes, reevaluating their futures and redirecting the energies into a future which includes “paying it forward”.
Many children cannot conceive of helping others until they realize just how manageable their own life is! This is perhaps one of the most beautiful surprises I never anticipated in doing this work.
Student+>Student – I’ve seen it at work and it’s awesome!
The form is not published.
Tumaini Children’s Foundation is a not for profit, charitable organization dedicated to the care, support and education of orphaned and needy children in and around Usa River, Arusha, Tanzania.
TUmaini CHIldren’s FOundation, or (TUCHIFO) is a United Republic of Tanzania, Non-Governmental Organization (Act, 2002, Section 12(2) of Act. No. 24 of 2002) Certificate No. 3232 and is a Canada Revenue approved registered charity.
Please consider sponsoring, in part or in full, the needs of one of our children. Asante Sana!!