Tumaini spends millions of shillings (thousands of dollars) every year on educating our children and we are proud and grateful to see the progress of YOUR dollars . . . BUT (there’s always one isn’t there?) what if, instead of helping 100ish kids with education, we were able to help 5 or 600ish children??? What if?
It was never our intention for Tumaini to live as an island. We have always to integrated into our village community and assisted when and wherever possible. That’s why more than half of our children are supported in an outreach capacity and only the absolute neediest of our children come and live at Tumaini!
With your financial help, and direction from a remarkable headmistress and administration, we support Nshupu Secondary School in our collaborative objectives of improving education for children but we cannot continue unless we fund it! Please help!
We have, thus far, and with the support of local parents, outfitted and furnished a senior girls’ dormitory where they can stay and study for national exams in safety. (The girls were been assaulted on their way home after staying late at school.) These girls are safe now but they do need to eat.
Our current needs are to feed the girls of our Form IV dormitory with a nutritious diet including milk, fruit, meat, fish and eggs, laughably unavailable at almost every school.
Daily Food for Our Girls’ Dormitory
The form is not published.
Tumaini Children’s Foundation is a not for profit, charitable organization dedicated to the care, support and education of orphaned and needy children in and around Usa River, Arusha, Tanzania.
TUmaini CHIldren’s FOundation, or (TUCHIFO) is a United Republic of Tanzania, Non-Governmental Organization (Act, 2002, Section 12(2) of Act. No. 24 of 2002) Certificate No. 3232 and is a Canada Revenue approved registered charity.
Please consider sponsoring, in part or in full, the needs of one of our children. Asante Sana!!